Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Getting Tons Done

Just not with the right horse - or TOEH anyways. My roundpen is full of snow, so Mr TOEH might go along with everyone else and learn how to haul sled. Will be an interesting venture for him anyways.

B and R got some work today. A is a practically perfect horse anyways, so she doesn't mind living in the lap of luxury while I torture B & R with such horrific things as longeing and rope desensitization. It is amazing how B, when she starts to get totally out of control scared, can come right back to focus just by hearing the click of my clicker. She stops what she is doing, comes back to reality and perks up like "grain?!". Sweet thing. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So this is a little weird. I just discovered Fugly Horse of the Day, and I'm reading through old posts, and I stumbled across a comment you made about your weight and riding. I wanted to get in touch because I'm also around 300 pounds - grew up riding, but haven't done any in the past decade - and I guess I just wanted to hear about your experiences. Hope you don't think I'm a crazy stalker! you can e-mail me at